Saturday, December 11, 2010

To change ...

Taking up the challenge offered in this blog is about accepting the invitation to change, or perhaps, to be changed. Congratulations.!!

"To change we must:
hurt enough to need to;
learn enough to want to;
and feel safe enough to try." Maxwell
I have lived with this quote for at least 15 years and it describes quite accurately my experience of "failures" and "successes" in my prayer and meditation practices. It is a circular road map. Repeating in large and small movements in life, always building, never wasted ...

Lasting change in my life has always begun in pain.
Over four years ago I was desperate for the undergirding nurture that I knew could come from a daily Centering Prayer practice. I knew this from other people's sharing, from retreats, from reading and from my own 1 or 2 week times of success. I began, a day at a time, and now find this so precious I can't conceive of life without this prayer.

"To change we must: hurt enough to need to ..."
My "hurt" was not life shattering, just the feelings most of you already know. Chronic feelings. Tired, lonely, putting on the 'face', giving to others from the bottom of my spiritual 'gas tank', in a demanding ministry where I could not relieve the pain and tragedy of others. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
I was ready, again, to do it.

In future posts I'll say more.
But we need to start with how we "hurt enough to need to".
Please share in a general way in the comments what has brought you to the desire to start, begin again or change your spiritual practice.
What convinces you that you 'need' to change, in order to live?


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