Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our longing ... God's longing

At the recent Spiritual Care Network gathering together, assembly, (or versammlung - as Murray Groom liked to call it) of the co ordinating committee and Presbytery 'network builders', we took time to name something of our desires for ourselves and our colleagues. The sharing that went with these was from the heart and there was a positive longing in all of us that we all experience this quality of life.

The question was:

What qualities of ministerial life do we want among us?

(and this is my playful rendering of these into the image offered in an earlier post)


Trust Authentic

Vitality Laughter

Hope Physical health

Joy Financial security


tolerance, patience,


Vision Resilience

Inspired commitment Adaptable

Risk together Humility - being ‘right sized’

non-competitive Doing my part



Serenity / Courage / Wisdom

I’d ask you to participate in 2 ways with this post.

  1. When you next gather with some other ministry folk ask the same question ... and see what happens.
  2. “Sit” with this question in an intentional way and write down your desires for being filled with ‘life abundant’. Then come back to this post and add something to the list using the ‘comment’ button. (It is very simple to use the anonymous category, but please add your name in your comment)

1 comment:

  1. At a recent Ministry Personnel gathering focused on being together as colleagues in ministry I followed my own suggestion in this blog. I asked the question. We had a rich and trusting conversation.
    Here are the words as they emerged in the conversation:

    Partnership Acceptance/Accepted Friendship Compassion

    Security in my Heart (offered as response to financial security)

    not stressed because I'm balanced Christ centered

    Sabbath honouring Peace Prayerful strength in resilience

    belonging in Christian community space to be Self

    having a couple of people I can really talk to

    Such a great way to begin seeing ourselves and out longing for ourselves so that simply from how we are, and how we carry ourselves, others will be drawn to Jesus as the Way/Path.
